Cross-country Farewell Tour Photo Album

FINALLY leaving Pittsburgh in a moving van and we're filthy!


Pancake - we love this kitty!

Went to the zoo in DC on Jack's birthday - for those who don't know, Jack kind of loves animals.

They give the apes items to play with or, in this case, to wear.

At the Ren Fest in Georgia. Lots of fun!

Sheep dog in training...

Tartanic - totally fun band!

Upon our return from Africa, we will be looking for a  spell-caster and a  rogue to round out our adventuring party...

Kiyomi on our US band tour

Flying a kite with family

In Tampa - they have a trolley that runs through this area.

Greg and Angela's cat, Valkyrie.  She is a savannah cat.

On the pond at Jack's uncle's place.
Jack's uncle's place

Balanced Rock, Mississippi Gulf Coast

The Atchafalaya Swamp was higher than we'd ever seen it.

The tilapia are breeding at Jack's dad and step-mom's place even though the adults aren't even close to fully grown.